ScribePT Core Features

Dive into our innovative features designed to reclaim more than 20 hours of your time each month, empowering you to focus on what truly matters—providing exceptional care to your patients. Discover how ScribePT's technology can enhance your practice's documentation process, ensuring accuracy, efficiency, and peace of mind with every note.


You treat while we capture the details of the patient encounter


Passive Recording - No change to your current flow, just press record at the start of a patient encounter and submit at the end

Dictation - Describe the case in 2 minutes or less as though you were telling a colleague about it while walking between appointments

No verbatim dictation required, no fancy medical jargon needed, just speak naturally

Both! - Record passively, then dictate any additional details you want captured in the note


We generate a clinical note that looks like what you would have written


Get a transcription of every recording in case you need to refresh your memory on any details

Best in class speech to text algorithms produce incredibly accurate transcripts - even in noisy clinic settings

If multiple speakers are present, speaker tags are included in the transcript

AI-Generated Clinical Notes

Generate a note in one click and less than a minute that will mirror your documentation style so closely, you'll swear you wrote it

Supported note types include initial evaluations, re-evaluations, progress notes and follow ups

Notes don't just mirror your writing style, they also match the structure of information as it appears in your EMR

Optional: All Star Add On - instantly upgrade the documentation of every team member to be on par with your documentation all stars

Note Editor

Fast edits and transparency into model suggestions

Quick Edits

The entire draft note is editable making any updates lightning fast


Rapidly review ScribePT's justification behind recommended note content - It's easy to be confident in ScribePT's draft note

One-Click Paste to EMR

No more click burden - just blazing fast data entry click and the case is filled out just as though you did it by hand

Checkboxes? Check; Drop downs? Locked down; Radio buttons? Ten-four; Lift my jaw off the floor? Sorry, no actual hands so that's on you

Upcoming Add-Ons

WelcomeWare Intake Forms

Reach Intake Forms


Custom Note Type

e.g. Patient Visit Summary, Prior Auth, Superbill, Referring MD Email

Motion Capture

Data Governance

Start Reclaiming More Than 40 Hours
Of Your Time Each Month
