Our Partners

At ScribePT, we believe in the power of collaboration to enhance healthcare solutions. Our Partner Program is designed for organizations that share our commitment to transforming documentation processes and improving patient care.

Joining our program gives you access to our state-of-the-art documentation software. Streamline your workflow, reduce errors, and enhance efficiency in managing patient records. We provide thorough training and ongoing support to ensure that you and your team are well-versed in utilizing our software. Our experts are always ready to assist you in maximizing the benefits of our solution.

Practice Freedom U

If you’re looking to unlock greater profitability and freedom in your practice, then look no further than Practice Freedom U. We offer one-on-one coaching and specialized business training to directly address the areas where you need support the most. Our personalized approach has helped hundreds of growth-minded practice owners achieve uncommon success without the burden of working excessively in the clinic.

Healthcare Business Academy

At UnlockHBA.com, we specialize in offering programs created and proven to help every physical therapist thrive. From hiring and staffing to billing solutions, our ultimate goal is to maximize your profits. We show PTs how to reduce the money lost in every cash collection. And in the process, end up with little time left over to eat, sleep and have a life.


WelcomeWare is the leading physical therapy provider of a virtual live front-desk platform. Use WelcomeWare to never leave your front desk empty, improve staffing flexibility, reduce costs, and facilitate a positive patient experience. WelcomeWare provides a kiosk and software to facilitate an efficient intake experience.

Ambassador Program

Join Our Documentation Software Partner Program Today and Get Paid for Referrals!
